Healthy Minds, Healthy Futures

Most people find the teen years and the transition into young adulthood hard. We’re here to help. Whether you are being bullied, feeling depressed, not sure of your sexual orientation, being abused now or in the past, or maybe you’re in trouble at school or with the law, that’s just a small sampling of the challenges that we see youth facing every day. You can read more about our programs and also some of the issues that bring people your age to us. Maybe you see yourself among the list of challenges and maybe you don’t. It doesn’t matter.  Call Help Ahead at 1-866-585-6486 and they will help you figure it out. Most of our services are available free of charge. You don’t have to go through this alone.

I think what I learned was I am stronger than I think…her positive feedback made me feel this way.

There are three main ways in which we can support you:


Counselling is a safe place where you can talk about anything you might be going through. We support you and listen, helping you find creative solutions without telling you what to do. In counselling you can work at your own pace, so you get to decide how long you participate.

Counselling is confidential, so it’s entirely up to you to decide if you want your family to know. You can also choose whether you want parents, siblings, or other family members to come with you to support you, or if you would prefer to attend counselling sessions on your own.

Live-In Treatment

Turning Point has two Live-In Treatment programs. They look just like a private home, which makes them comfortable and welcoming. Here we help teens who live with mental health issues or who have substance abuse trouble that’s making it hard to live at home or with their caregiver. Our staff will work with you and possibly your family or people that support you to help you find ways to cope differently. We have a counsellor connected to all our residences who can also work with you.

Turning Point also provides transitional housing. This program helps youth ages 16 to 24 who identify as male, who are moving towards independence and would benefit from learning skills like budgeting, cooking, managing mental health issues etc.

She was a good listener. Even when I was angry, she could deal with it. She helped me to work through my feelings and through how I think. She understood me.

We also provide emergency shelter and related programs for youth who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Help if you’re in trouble with the law (Youth Justice Programs)

You may have been referred to our PATH Program. PATH is a program for youth who are in trouble with the law and need to build skills and awareness to reduce the risk of reoffending. The length of service varies depending on your needs, and programming might include SNAP-Youth Justice (Stop Now and Plan), Girls PATH, Music PATH or getting back on track with your education and other life skills.

I learned I am a nice person. Before working with my counsellor I didn’t think I was a nice person, but after working with her I started to feel like I was.

The Youth Mental Health Court Worker Program (YMHCW) serves youth who have been charged and are required to appear at court. It is for youth in trouble with the law who need special supports or services. We work with the courts to develop a creative, individual plan focusing on mental health and substance needs and the behaviour that led to the young person getting into conflict with the law.

The YJ Mental Health Access is a partnership with Central Toronto Youth Services (CTYS) and offers specialized assessment and counselling support to youth who are working with the YMHCW program or a Probation Officer. The YJ Mental Health Access offers quick access to services such as mental health assessments, psychoeducational assessment to help you understand your learning style and needs, psychiatric assessment and brief counselling (8-10 sessions).

TPYS also operates two residences geared to the needs of young males involved in the youth criminal justice system who have been detained and need to spend time in open custody or detention. These are specialized residential treatment programs, including counselling, for young males living with mental health or addiction issues. When you are a resident in one of these homes, Turning Point staff will work with you to develop a plan that reflects your needs, strengths, and the factors that could cause you to reoffend.

How do I get started?

For any questions or to get started, call Help Ahead at 1-866-585-6486.  They will tell you about all your options.

If you are in crisis please read about the steps you can take right now.

All TPYS services are confidential. We only share information with your permission unless we are concerned for your immediate safety or someone else’s immediate safety. If you become a client of TPYS we will explain how we protect your personal information in more detail. You can also read our privacy policy.

Talking to my worker was the best thing. She was nice, funny and like a friend. She was different from other social workers or teachers. I talked a lot with her and I really enjoyed it.


I have shyness to people I don’t know and now I learned how to deal with it.

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